
This information is subject to change and was last updated 05/21/99.

Following are explanations for terms contained in the features and series title lists.

  • CLOSED CAPTIONING - (CC) Closed captioning is on line 21 of the vertical interval. Not all features and series are available with closed captioning. Features with closed captioning are noted by 'cc'. Closed Captioning information for series is contained on the individual series title pages. See also CLOSED CAPTIONING GUIDELINES.
  • MPAA RATINGS - Cash features may have one of the following ratings codes:
    • G
      General audiences
    • GP
      Parental Guidance suggested (old rating that is no longer in use; equivalent to PG)
    • M
      Mature (old rating that is no longer in use; equivalent to PG)
    • PG
      Parental Guidance suggested
    • PG-13
      Parents strongly cautioned
    • R
    • NR
      Not rated, or rating not available. Many older theatrical features have this designation. NR is not a MPAA rating code.
    • MOW
      Movie of the Week. These made for TV movies were usually for broadcast television, but can sometimes have been made for cable. Mini-series can also be included here. MOW is not a MPAA rating code.
    Please note that MPAA ratings are provided as a guide to the content of the original theatrical versions. The rating does not apply when a feature has been edited for television. The MPAA ratings are not related to the TV ratings system.
  • RUNTIMES - Cash feature times listed are for program runtime only. A set of asterisks (***) represents a version that is not available for syndication. A 'NA' code represents a version that does not exist or is not necessary (such as a Television edit of an older, non-rated theatrical feature.) Runtimes for titles not yet released in syndication aren't always available. Estimated runtimes for these titles will be in parentheses. Estimated runtimes for Formatted titles will generally be (2hr) or (2-1/2), indicating the time slot they will be formatted for. (2hr) will usually be approximately 93 minutes program runtime, while (2-1/2) will usually be approximately 116 minutes program runtime. Average runtime information for series is contained on the individual series title pages when available.
  • STEREO - (STE) Not all features and series are available in stereo. Features that are available in stereo are noted by 'S'. Audio information for series is contained on the individual series title pages.
  • TV RATINGS - Paramount does not rate our cash features and series using the current TV ratings system, nor does Paramount provide suggested ratings for this system. Paramount does rate barter features and some first run series. Any show rated by Paramount will carry a TV ratings icon. Ratings lists for off-net barter shows like FRASIER & BECKER are available from CTD/CBS Worldwide Distribution.
  • VERSION (for features) - Features may be available in the following versions:
    • Theatrical (THEA) This is the original theatrical version. It has not been edited for content or runtime, nor does it include breaks. Theatrical versions are only made available when an edited version is either unnecessary or unavailable.
    • Television (TV) This version has been edited for content only. It has not been edited for runtime, nor does it include breaks. Television versions are only made when necessary; some older theatrical movies do not require editing and therefore do not have a Television version.
    • Formatted (FORM) This version has been edited for content and runtime (if necessary), and includes breaks. Breaks are usually 20 seconds pulled-up blacks. Formatted versions do not require additional editing for content. Runtimes listed for formatted versions are program runtimes only; the breaks are not added in.
    • Barter Barter features are edited for content and runtime (if necessary), and include breaks. National commercials, promos, and bumpers are already included. Barter features are listed with a time-slot, rather than a runtime, since stations only need to insert their local commercials.
  • VERSION (for series) - Cash series may be available in the following versions:
    • Syndication This version has been edited for syndication. The runtime is usually shorter than the original network version. The breaks are usually two minutes and two seconds. When cut to this standard, the show will usually be referred to as "CASH SYNDICATION - FULL BLACK".
    • Network This is the original network version. Runtime is usually longer than the syndication version, and the commercial blacks are usually short. The network version is not usually made available for syndication.
  • YEAR - Indicates the year of theatrical release, or in the case of MOW's, the year of initial broadcast.